Sunday, August 29, 2010

I've been feeling really emotional and fragile the last couple of days. Thirteen and a half weeks til due date seems so far away and each day is dragging past. The 'count' is more and more on my mind. Several times a day I remind myself of exactly how many weeks/days I am and how many weeks/days til due date. It feels like I've been 26+ weeks for at least a fortnight but I'm now only 26w 4d. I hope the rest of the pregnancy isn't going to be like this.

On another train of thought, but kind of related, I feel like I've been pregnant for sooo long. Which I have. It's been 12 months out of the last 15 now that I've been pregnant; by the time this baby's born I will have been pregnant for 15 months out of the previous 18. I've been waiting so long to have our baby in my arms and to see Michael holding our child - our child who is alive and well that is. I'm just so ready to meet our girl and sick of waiting. But desperate for her to still be inside me for at least another 10 weeks or more.

1 comment:

  1. I still wonder how I'm going to make it to the end of this and also feel like I've been pregnant forever. And then I feel guilty for feeling like that because I really want him to stay in there until full term and be born screaming and healthy. Nothing about this is easy. Hang in there.

    Maddie x
