Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dear Kat,

Today it's nine months since you left my body. You were so tiny and perfect. When I think of how you looked I always remember your precious little mouth and your tongue, so perfectly finished inside it. Your head and face were the same shape as your Daddy's. Your arms were the same as his as well.

Today I am 25 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Exactly the same as I was the day we found out your heart had stopped.

Tomorrow I will be 25 weeks and 3 days pregnant - exactly the same as I was the day you entered this world without ever seeing it.

We feel so strongly that you wanted so much to live, little kitty Kat. You wanted to be here with us, you wanted a life in this world. You wanted to grow. We feel like you tried so very hard to be here... but you just couldn't. That virus came along and robbed you of your body. It just couldn't cope and it... stopped.

We feel so strongly that you go on. We feel like you still want so much to be a part of this family. You don't want us to ever forget that you are our daughter, that you are Rory, Sienna and bub's sister. We will never forget Kat. You will always be part of our special celebrations. You will always have days that we devote to your memory. We will buy a new rose every year to add to your garden and every single bloom will be for you. The baby that is growing inside me right now will know she has another big sister. And Rory and Sienna will never forget the little sister they never got to see but who they love all the same.

With much love now and forever to the tiny baby that is safe in my heart.

Mummy. xx

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful Auntie Jen :)
    Thinking of you, Michael and all four of your babies today.
    LOTS of love, Michelle xoxox
