Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm feeling a little more light-hearted today. I finally went and picked up my ultrasound pictures from last week and read the report. We've been having lots of giggles about the report stating that our baby "appears grossly normal". My chromosomal abnormality tests came back with very low risk, which we basically already knew. At the ultrasound we were told that visually everything looked fine. And while previous (genetically) healthy children are by no means a guarantee, it's always been kind of a comfort that all of Kat's genetic tests came back clear.

I've been feeling the baby move for a while now. It's very early I know, but it's unmistakable. I felt Rory at 16 weeks, Sienna at 12, Kat at 13 and this one at 11. Well, I started feeling little flutters, very lightly, and the tight sort of gassy feeling that comes early on and I've felt them every day for a couple of weeks now. I had definite kicks (and heaps of them!) at about 12 weeks. I was lying in bed and I couldn't help just lying there laughing. It was very cool. And already, baby often moves when Michael rests his hand on my belly. That is uber-cool.

1 comment:

  1. That IS uber-cool :)
    Big-headed ex space prawn baby loves you already :)
    Duh. Of course he or she does :)
    Love, Michelle xoxox
