Monday, April 12, 2010

Doctor's appointment was fine. All just routine - which was what I wanted, really. In all three of my other pregnancies I had at least two ultrasounds in the first trimester because of concerns about my babies. So it's nice to be pregnant and not be rushing off for scans because I'm being told that the pregnancy is at risk or I'm being told to not get my hopes up about carrying past a few weeks. On the one hand it would be nice to see a heartbeat and have that reassurance that there really is a space prawn growing into a baby inside me! But routine and normal is nice too.


  1. Normal in this instance is very nice :)
    I'm so excited :D I love him/her already :D
    Love, Michelle xoxox

  2. Glad it went well. I want to cry every time I have ob/scan appointments - I think it's just all the associations now. Maddie x
