Monday, June 21, 2010

A double-post day! Feeling like I left it all a bit too negative-nellie before when really, some great positives came out of yesterday too. Namely, my family. I love them so much. I love being one half of Team Jen & Michael: Together we can do Anything!!! (Maybe we should get matching capes and wear our undies on the outside.) He really is the love of my life, a love greater than anything I ever dreamed possible. I have two beautiful, healthy, intelligent, loving, caring children who literally taught me what love is. They challenge me and being a mum is sometimes harder than anything else I've ever done. Sometimes I just want a break from constant "kid-shit". But always there is an incredible amount of love. (Something that parents the world over understand.) I had a beautiful baby girl whose entire existence was contained inside my body... what a very special privilege it was to be her mum. And I have a baby growing inside me who I feel move and already love just as much as each of my older children. I have my dad, who I've always admired and respected as much as loved. I have a sister and brother who I like as people as well as love as family - and my brother, well I've always adored him... he doesn't say much but who needs words when he will jump on a plane to be with me when my daughter died? I've been an auntie to some adorable little kids since I was not quite 13. Most of them aren't kids anymore and they are lovely people. Michelle... I'm so proud of you. I have a best girlfriend who is my adopted sister, we've been friends for 24 years. And I have the most amazing in-laws ever, truly wonderful people who I love very much.

A few years ago I couldn't imagine having this much love in my life and I am deeply grateful for it every day.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love that you have so many good things in your life to make the bad bearable :)
    You are an inspiration Aunty Jen :)
    Love, Michelle xoxox
